Tuesday is for Therapists: Biweekly Essays

TIFT #26. Case Study: Four EMPs tift Aug 24, 2021


Anne, in her mid 50s illustrates several common problems and how they can be resolved. She grew up with an alcoholic father who was physically abusive to her mother and hypercritical of his children. Her mother died when she was seven.  She started therapy in her twenties,...

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TIFT #25. The Quest in Questions tift Aug 17, 2021


In the early 70s, I was taught mostly to keep my mouth shut when doing psychotherapy. In fact, one residency didn’t select me because they saw (correctly) that staying quiet would be a real challenge. Fortunately I did match with a great residency, Albert Einstein, where my best...

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TIFT #24 Jaak Panksepp and Motivation tift Aug 10, 2021


One of the best summer reads in memory was the late Jaak Panksepp’s Archaeology of Mind. This eye-opening description of our mammalian emotional brain is technical, but fresh and different than anything I have come upon before. Dr. Panksepp, who passed away in 2017, makes a...

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TIFT #23 Focus and Direction in Therapy tift Aug 03, 2021


How do you tell your patients what you aim to do and how it will work? The old-fashioned answer was that it depended on what therapy you were practicing. Times are changing. Today, we are more likely to try to match the therapy to the patient, but that only highlights the confusion in our...

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TIFT #22 Logic of the Unconscious Mind tift Jul 27, 2021


It is not only interesting, but practically helpful for the clinician to have a sense of how the unconscious mind works. Since something like 95% of our thinking goes on there, it must be pretty important. I’m approaching the question from the point of view of biology, that is, the...

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TIFT #21 Adolescent Development tift Jul 20, 2021


Continuing on the theme of how important development is to the clinician, let’s review some developmental issues in adolescence, which can now be considered to go on until around age 25, when, as a parent wryly observed, "parental IQ begins to move back up to normal." First,...

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TIFT #20 Developmental Diagnosis tift Jul 13, 2021


Increasingly, I have been thinking of EMPs, entrenched maladaptive patterns, as having been invented by an “inner child” to solve a critical problem. I have always thought development was important, but experience has taken me further in that direction. At this point,...

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TIFT #19 Attachment and Anorexia Nervosa Jul 06, 2021



A blog reader in her late 30s asked how attachment issues might be related to her recent symptoms of anorexia nervosa. As she has resolved painful memories of sexual trauma she has experienced more distress about relationships. She reports: “I just don’t think I matter...

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TIFT #18 A Milestone for Psychotherapy Integration tift Jun 29, 2021


In TIFT #14, I talked about my personal goal to see the psychotherapy integration movement turn from seemingly endless exploration to seeking consensus. At SEPI's 37th Annual Meeting in June, three of us surprised even ourselves in a Zoom session as we arrived at a core consensus...

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TIFT #17 Bringing Emotion Into the Room tift Jun 22, 2021


This topic is coming into view for a reason. The Pilot group in the Howtherapyworks Training Program has just finished the first trimester on theory and, in our next term, will be working on therapy skills and technique. In this post, I want to use the concepts of Entrenched...

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TIFT #16 Failed Rites of Passage tift Jun 15, 2021


Not everyone of adult chronological age feels or functions like a full adult. This TIFT is about those individuals. I suppose every therapist has a personal list of “syndromes” or patterns they recognize but don’t find in the literature. This is one I have found useful...

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TIFT #15 The Power of Words tift Jun 08, 2021


Words are amazingly precise

A patient in her 30s was defending her mother as she heavily blamed herself for her ongoing failure to function. She described how her motherwas sometimes very supportive, buthad been critical and harsh when told of the patient’s plan to attend her...

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*** Residents and Fellows in Psychiatry Course enrollment ending Sunday***