The HowTherapyWorks Store
Free Items

Introduces a plain language, clinical framework where neuroscience shows how words and relationship can bring about change.

eBook: The Common Infrastructure of Psychotherapy
Explains the framework from the Infographic with much more detail. 77 pages.

eBook: Getting the Most from Your Therapy
By Dr. Smith especially for clients. 128 pages.
Dr. Smith's Books

Course Textbook
Covers theory, practice, and a catalog of problems psychotherapy aims to change. Integrates all orientations. Click on book image to see more.

How facing dreaded feelings leads to freedom.
Written for everyone but not "dummed down." Explains how experiencing emotion in a context of connection changes us.

An Edited Compilation of Posts and Comments
Combining the wisdom of Dr. Smith's posts with many of the comments that have added so much wisdom on the subject.
Recommended Books
Titles from Jaak Panksepp, Sue Johnson, Bessel van der Kolk, and Amir Levine.

Amir Levine
Uniquely detailed description of the characteristics of adult attachment styles.

Jaak Panksepp
Dense science for anyone, but don't miss the section on the SEEKING system.

Bessel van der Kolk
Must read for survivors and therapists who deal with early life trauma.